Weight loss is for life, not just for Summer

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Éabha and I am 23 years old. For as long as I can remember I have been overweight. This blog is all about my weight loss journey, both the highs and lows. I hope that it will keep me motivated and inspire others who are in the same situation as me.

Monday, 6 May 2013

My Fitness Challenge and Challenge for May

My exercise challenge has been put on the back burner this week because of work. I was working late all week so I never got a chance to do any. The last day I did 30DS, prior to yesterday, was last Monday which was day 4 of level 2. I found it so tough and I actually threw up during it. I was so confused as to why I was finding it so difficult in comparison to the previous day until I saw my time.....32 minutes! My previous time was 37 mins so I was extremely proud of myself for doing it in that time. Just to reiterate, I time myself to stop me from taking breaks, no other reason. You can only do the DVD as fast as Jillian herself does it! Also it is important not to compromise on form. I did it yesterday and today as well. I didn't time it as I have had a head cold and it was a miracle that I did it all! I definitely need to up my exercise, especially at the weekends.

In the spirit of challenges, I have set a few challenges for the month of May. I am a bit late starting, but better late than never.

1. Lose 8lbs.....okay may be a bit optimistic but I'm going to give it my all and try and get as close as possible.

2. No bingeing.....I have come a long way since I rejoined for the umpteenth and last time, but there have been a few slip ups.

3. Fizzy drinks on weekends only......I know I was supposed to give them up altogether but I will admit I slipped up badly this weekend. So I am going to stick to the squash during the week and allow myself a fizzy drink at the weekend.

4. At least one workout a day, except for Wednesday (WI day)

5. Try a new fruit or veg each week......this week its banana and spinach. I'm making a green smoothie for a mid-morning snack. I hated bananas when I was younger so its going to be a big step. I haven't tried it properly but I did take a sip when I made it and it wasn't too bad. I'll post the recipe for it tomorrow.

6. Stick rigidly to my daily points except for Friday and Wednesday where I will have a treat within my weekly allowance.

7. No mozzarella cheese.....it is low in points but I have a tendency to open the fridge and pick at it so I'm not having it in the house any more!

8. I am not going to let my weight affect my mood. Since I regained the weight, I have not done a proper clothes shop. As a result I have been wearing the same clothes, leggings and baggy tops, all the time. Today I went on a big shopping spree (my bank balance will not thank me) and bought nice clothes that fit me properly. I didn't care what size was on the label as it is only temporary. I was actually surprised though as everything I tried on fitted me and they were all 14-16. There was even a 12 thrown in there! I know I will feel much better about myself for having nice clothes that look good on me.

If you have been lacking motivation lately or looking to try new things, set yourself some challenges. Even set yourself just one new thing to do this month. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself but also don't push yourself. My list may seem like a lot, but most of it is stuff I have already set in motion, I just need to stick to it!

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