Weight loss is for life, not just for Summer

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Éabha and I am 23 years old. For as long as I can remember I have been overweight. This blog is all about my weight loss journey, both the highs and lows. I hope that it will keep me motivated and inspire others who are in the same situation as me.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Weekend Survival!!

I'm sitting here in work and I can already feel that this weekend will be tough. I thought to help me stay on track I'd post my meal plans for the three days. 

Breakfast - smoothie and grapes 0 points

Lunch - 2 ryvitas, 2 slices ham, 2 slices turkey, 30g low low cheddar, low low cheese and ham triangle 7 points

Dinner - wholemeal spiegel, 20g flora (10 for spiegel, 10 for cooking), 1 rasher, 1 chicken fillet, 1 onion, low fat Caeser dressing, balsamic vinegar, some veg (whatever is in the house) 9 points

Treats - I have the house to myself tonight so I'm thinking of treating myself and using the rest of my dailies and some weeklies tonight. Not sure on what yet but definitely some wine. I normally don't allow myself to use all my weeklies but I'm planning on doing lots of exercise this weekend so I think it'll be okay. 

Brunch - Omelette, slice toast and glass slimline milk 13 points

Dinner - nachos with homemade Bolognese 11 points 

Treats - purple snack bar and Malteasers bar 8 points. Normally I'd only have one but I'm planning for a bad day so going to allow both.  

Brunch - Omelette, slice toast and glass slimline milk 13 points

Dinner - homemade Bolognese with 40g pasta 9 points 

Treats - purple snack bar and mars bar. Okay I know a mars bar is really bad but I have a feeling its going to be one of those weekends so by allowing the points for the treat then I'll be able to maintain some element of control.

I should also note that while it seems like I'm not including any veg, I have included them in the Bolognese sauce and in the omelette. I will post the recipes for them tomorrow. In keeping up with my challenge, I am also trying out a new veg this weekend, courgette. This one will be harder as I'm not including it in a smoothie but in the Bolognese sauce. So if I don't like it, I could struggle with my main meal and it could cause me to go off track. 
I will also probably be picking at fruit over the weekend; grapes, mandarins, apples.

It is really important that I stick to plan not only for my WI but also I want to compare this week with last week. Last week I did zero exercise, this week I'm doing 30DS and some other workouts. It is important that all else is equal so I'm comparing like with like. The reason why I'm comparing the two weeks is that I tend to either put up, STS or have a really small loss when I up my exercise. This was the case the last time I did WW. What I'm wondering now is, was I really good with my food or was I complacent, which I certainly can be at times on WW. So hopefully Wednesday will tell me one way or another. 

I also want to achieve my first mini goal; to be in the 13s again. I'm 1lb away so its definitely doable. I'm also 3lbs away from my first silver seven so I would like to get that within the next week or two as well. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend and that you stick to your points!